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tv   Fox 5 News at Ten  FOX  February 8, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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i can't believe your mom let you take her car out.sick! this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. this is fox 5 news at 10:00. we begin with the blizzard of 2013, forecasters saying it could be one for the record books. tonight the snow falling fast
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and furious from new jersey all the way up to maine, the worst still to come. thanks for joining us tonight. i'm brian bolter. >> i'm shawn yancy. our neighbors to the north are expecting to get 1 to 3 feet of snow let's take live look at foxboro, massachusetts. the snow is coming down hard and heavy there. the winds are whipping and blowing the snow sideways. it will be a long night for people living there. gary mcgrady is in the weather center tracking this monster storm and wind advisory in parts of our area. >> that's right, shawn, still blizzard warnings up there. this is a legitimate blizzard. it's going to be of the believe it or not, this storm is just now coming together and during the overnight hours is when it's going to become its strongest. let me take you to radar here. let me take you back. this loop will start again. this is 12 hours ago. watch the two pieces come together. they are just now beginning to phase. that's two storm systems, two pieces of energy coming
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together, and as this phasing takes place that's when this nor'easter will become the main storm and really begin to get stronger, really begin to deepen. that's what we call it. it looks like the pressures will get down to probably something along the lines of a pressure that is indicative of maybe a category 2 hurricane before it's all said and done. we zoom in here. there's a lot of very heavy snow moving through parts of massachusetts down into connecticut and right through long island. actually there has been several cases of thunder snow this evening mainly up from long island right up into the southern section of connecticut right around hartford. this is the new york radar, looks like new york won't get quite as much snow as they were thinking yesterday. boston, they will get that much snow it looks like in some places as much as 2 feet, maybe a little more before this is all said and done. we do have a wind advisory here. it's going to get windy overnight tonight and it will
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stay winnie through most of the day tomorrow -- windy through most of the day tomorrow, weekend forecast coming up. >> hopefully it's better than what we're seeing with our friends to the north. this massive snowstorm blasting a handful of states across the northeast tonight, several now in a state of emergency. fox's jamie colby is in new york city with the latest on the storm there. >> reporter: a massive blizzard now slamming the northeast with heavy snow and strong winds. the national weather service says the storm could dump up to 3 feet of snow in boston breaking the city's record set in 2003. in massachusetts a statewide driving ban has been enacted for the first time since 1978. >> we expect on account of the win and amount of snow for the drift -- wind and amount of snobe as high as 5 feet. there will be obstacles that will be unknowable and unseen underneath the snow. >> reporter: new york city is expected to get more than a foot of snow. the storm could also cause widespread power outages. >> the new york power authority
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has extra personnel on duty to help with power outages. so in sum, this is a serious severe storm, a winter storm. >> reporter: flooding is also a major concern in coastal areas including many towns hit hard by superstorm sandy. this staten island resident who gets help from a tent shelter is getting worried. >> i really don't know what the people down here are going to do. if we lose this, i don't know what we're going to do. this is like the only thing we have here. >> reporter: the powerful blizzard was created after two storms, one from the west, the other from the south, merged. airlines canceled thousands of flights. >> i was in the other airport, jfk. they rebooked me and sent me over here. i got here. now they said this one is canceled. so now they have me booked for a flight tomorrow night if flights are going. >> reporter: the heaviest snowfall is expected overnight with wind gusts possibly reaching 75 miles per hour. in new york jamie colby, fox news.
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you saw the blizzard taking its toll on travelers, the impacts felt all the way here to the d.c. region, been a long day for many people faced with canceled flights, trains and buses. fox 5's maureen umeh with that story. >> most flights north are grounded, amtrak suspended service between new york and boston and mega bus is temporary halting trips between certain northern routes. it's been a very frustrating day for a lot of travelers. an army of weary passengers just try to get to new york and points beyond this friday night finding travel a challenge to say the least. >> it's been pretty rough. my travel started at 5:00 this morning in colorado when i got notified my flight into philadelphia was canceled. >> reporter: the new england blizzard by early afternoon forcing amtrak to suspend service between new york and boston. >> i literally just hopped out of a car two minute ago. i'm really hoping it's going. >> i'm trying to get home to massachusetts. i was flying into hartford,
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connecticut, but they've canceled my flight. they've shut down the airport in albany, new york as well. i'm going to take a train to new york city and do my best to get homes when the roads open up. >> reporter: some travelers who tried their luck on the roads didn't fare much better with some low cost bus companies, mega bus temporarily cancelling certain routes between d.c., new york, rhode island, connecticut and more. luke runion who coaches a boxing team in new york is hoping to make it home on a bus. >> i'm still heading up because i've made plans that are not refundable, but my team due to the school and the safety of the students are going to cancel the event tomorrow and i understand that. >> reporter: meanwhile at reagan national airport planes were moving, but plenty of flights to some northern destinations are grounded. many of those diverted passengers like jillian mitchell and her 1-year-old some fletcher on amtrak scrambling to make it to their destination despite the storm of the century. >> we got the text last night
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our flight to new york was canceled. so we were diverted here and then waited a few hours and hopefully training it up. >> amtrak scheduled trips to new york running on schedule tonight, a bit of good news to this very challenging travel day. let's take a closer look at the situation in boston. reporter heather hedges from our sister station there continues our team coverage tonight of the blizzard of 2013. >> reporter: we are right on beacon hill right down the street from the statehouse right now. you can see the snow is already piling up and this is only the beginning. i want to give you a point of reference where i am in case you're familiar with boston. this is boston common behind me which is the major park in the city. a lot of people walk through boston common. it's a little bit of a short- cut to get to different sections of the city. so plows have tried to keep boston common plowed throughout the night, but now visibility is poor. the snow is starting to pick up and the wind is really a big
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issue, too. as a matter of fact, i want to show you right here this is the statehouse. there are two flags there you can see or maybe you can't. visibility is very poor. the winds have been clocked at 49 miles an hour and that's expected to go up dramatically. over here in front of the statehouse there is a plow there now. you can see it's trying to keep the sidewalks clear. as for the roads, though, right now there's a state of emergency and cars are not allowed to travel in massachusetts at all. so the only way people can get around at this point is walking. in fact, i see some people right there by the crosswalk and they are probably walking to go out. i've actually encountered a lot of people who are taking this as a day off and enjoying a friday night where they haven't had to work today and they're going out to bars and restaurants. there are a few bars open, but a lot of restaurants are not open. the mayor of boston has really asked all nonessential employees to stay home and
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tonight the mayor's office is doing their best to stay on top of this storm. they have a 24 hour hotline to help folks. they say they've had about 2,800 calls and the mayor staff will sleep over at city hall with cots set up and about 30 people, maybe more, are anticipated to stay there through the night, work in shifts and get a little rest on the cots there. so as for the scene here now, it's still building up as you can see, but i'm certainly very wet and i've only been outside in the past three minutes since i've been speaking with you. we're gearing up for an even longer and much wetter night. that's the latest in boston. i'm heather hedges, fox 5 news. coming up tonight we'll go live to connecticut for an update on the storm there and just a reminder, you can track a winter weather 24/7 with the fox 5 weather app. fox 5 is now streaming our newscasts live on your cell phone. log onto for
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more information. ormation. we continue to follow a developing story, the massive manhunt for the cop accused of going on a shooting rampage. find out what's slowing down the search plus a psychiatrist weighs in on the suspected killer live next. >> plus a local church left in the cold, find out what thieves stole and how the congregation is responding. >> and later on the news edge councilman jim graham tells fox 5 why he deserves to stay on the d.c. council after a questionable ethics report, why he's firing back at a fellow councilman at 11:00. >> the ocean looks angry in the sea coast town of situate, massachusetts. i've been to massachusetts once, forgive me all you mass natives. the snow will fall all night long in the blizzard of 2013 as the 10 continues. 
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we are continuing to follow a developing story that the entire nation is watching, heavy snow now slowing the mountain manhunt for a former a cop wanted for three california
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murders. police across california, nevada and mexico are searching for christopher dorner accused of declaring war on police. fox 5's will thomas is tracking the investigation for us tonight. >> police say this guy wants revenge against the l.a. police department because he was fired in 2008 for making false statements. tonight we'll lay out where things stand with this big search and then we'll bring in a forensic psychologist to weigh in about the suspected killer. here's the most recent available image of the former cop turned suspected killer, a surveillance image from a motel near los angeles taken five days ago. now police from all over southern california are fighting heavy snowfall trying to forge aheadn theearch forchristodorner. >> we'll continue searching until either we discover that he left the mountain or we find him, one of the two. >> investigators say the mountain where dorner's burned out truck was found is still the main focus. >> there's a lot of cabins up there abandoned.
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we want to make sure he didn't find a place to hide out for the night. once we exhaust that then we'll continue to reevaluate what we'll do next. >> police say dorner began his deadly rampage on sunday when he shot and killed monica quan and her fiance sitting in their car at their l.a. condo complex. quan was the daughter of a retired lapd captain who represented dorner at the hearing that led to his firing for making false statements. detectives also believe dorner ambushed two officers on routine patrol in riverside just outside of l.a. they were at a stoplight. one died. the other was seriously hurt. >> we're very hearty residents in the san bernadino mountains. many people here are armed. my fear has actually been not that panic would ensue but more than someone up here would see something and take the law into their own hands. >> police say the killings were carried out in an act of revenge for getting fired outlined in a manifesto dorner
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posted online. dorner writes he knew he would be vilified by the lapd but that unfortunately this is a necessary evil that i do not enjoy but must partake and complete for substantial change to occur within the lapd and reclaim my name. he went on to write, "i will utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordnance and survival training i've been given. you have misjudged a sleeping giant." police say he's threatening cops, their families and anyone who gets in his way. forensic psychiatrist dr. lisa van susteren is with us tonight. good to have you here, doctor. >> good evening, will. >> he writes things like it's a necessary evil and you've misjudged a sleeping giant. what do you make of that? >> first of all, he's in a category by himself with others who are mass murderers, but people like this will justify anything they do. they have a sense of justice that is a personal one that is
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based primarily on a sense of having been humiliated. they rationalize anything they do as a result of that. >> does this sound like a man who might eventually surrender if he's cornered so he can continue his rants from jail, for instance? >> he does not sound like a man who will surrender. my hunch is -- of course, we would like him simply obviously to turn the gun on himself before someone else is hurt, but i think what's most likely what we call suicide by cop. he will go out, take another shot at other policemen in some hours or days and then maybe be killed at that point. >> do you think dorner would be legally insane and therefore avoid being prosecuted? >> i do not. he's not like other cases we've seen in aurora, james holmes, jared loughner in arizona. you could see these people were absolutely psychotic. they had these weird smiles, presented themselves in very strange ways. this guy has primarily what is called a character disorder.
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of course, it's gotten much worse than that over time since he had this experience leafing the police force. it's like a small -- leaving the police force. it's like a small fire that turns into a raging fire. so what i suspect is that this is something that is not a mental illness as such, not a psychotic illness but a character disorder. >> well, dr. lisa van susteren, thanks for coming in. the search for the accused killer will continue, of course. some cold hearted thieves have plunged an arnold, maryland church into the deep freeze. police say they stole four heat pumps from the back of the gloria day lutheran church. it will cost thousands to replace. audrey barnes has this story from the newsroom. >> pastor tom williamson says rather than be mad or sad about the thefts he wants the community to take a different approach and he's chosen a unique way to get the word out. the marquee outside the gloria
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day church on college parkway and arnold says it all. pray for those who stole our heat pumps. >> one of the units was here. >> reporter: three huge 7 1/2 ton units and a 2 1/2 ton unit vanished last week. >> here is the heat pump that they didn't get to. >> reporter: replacing them won't be cheap. >> the estimate we've had so far is close to $80,000 president of we still haven't heard from -- $80,000. we still haven't heard from our insurance company what kind of part of that they may reimburse us, but it's a financial hit either way. >> reporter: the temperature in the church classroom used by community groups like girl scout troop 1808 is now 60 degrees. other parts of the church are even colder. the temperature here in the fellowship hall is just 55 degrees. community groups are still using this room, but they're wearing their coats when they do. pastor tom williamson is out of town but spoke with us by phone about this cold hearted crime. >> for me the sad part is all the places where that money could be going that now it's
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going to go into bricks and mortar kind of stuff. >> reporter: the church's outlay will be about 15,000, money that could have bought more desks for children at their sister church in el salvador or paid the tuition of some of the kids there. they also have sister churches in madagascar and slovakia which they won't be able to help as much either, but rather than being mad, sad or angry pastor tom is asking people to do what churches do best. >> what i wanted to get to the congregation and to the community was a message that we pray for those who do us harm and we don't live in a society that does that naturally. >> investigators say there were several other thefts like this this summer and spring. when the new heat pumps are installed, the church will secure them to a concrete slab and build a wire fence around them. coming up next a horrific story in player, a mother
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accused of killing her -- in maryland, a mother accused of killing her own toddler. >> and the snow is still coming down fast and furious in boston tonight. we're heading back up north for the latest on this blizzard as fox 5 news at 10:00 continues tonight.  almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one
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[ male announcer ] want to make a great car interior? stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn't your car? you can't do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever.
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and that's how you do it. easy. ♪ court records show an annapolis woman accused of killing her toddler thought the girl was possessed. investigators found the remains of 2-year-old cassady booth in train car at a trash transfer station. her mother 25-year-old chelsea booth has reportedly admitted to police she smothered the girl, wrapped her in blanket and put her body in a trash bin. booth is charged with murder. the body of a fairfax county man found last summer in maryland has been identified as oscar montano of springfield. he'd been missing 19 months.
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fairfax county police are investigating his death as a homicide. authorities in virginia say a parking lot employee stole more than $1.3 million from the smithsonian's air and space museum in chantilly. the new estimate came to light at a hearing where one of the lot attendants of sentenced to more than two years in prison. when the charges were announced hats year, the losses were thought to be 400 grand. at today's hearing a former attendant admitted she alone stole $895,000 over three years and shared the money with supervisors. former prince george's county council member leslie johnson is a free woman. she was releases from a w -- released from a west virginia federal prison last month after serving 10 months for her role in the corruption scheme. her husband jack johnson behind bars for his role sentenced to more than seven years in prison. coming up next we are live in connecticut as that nasty nor'easter slams into new england. >> also two officers accused of kidnapping two teenagers to teach them a lesson were
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supposed to stand trial next week, why that may not happen. if you see a story we should look into, give us a call 202- 895-3000 or send us an e-mail to we'll be right back. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she?
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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome.
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pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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all over new england tonight the snow is falling fast and hard. new york might make it out of this without too much trouble, but the story is much different further north. reporter dan bowen is live with us now in stanford, connecticut. what's the situation there right now? >> reporter: absolutely. we're about 28 miles northeast of new york city. in the tri-state area, new york, new jersey, and connecticut we're getting the worst of it. look behind me. you can see where connecticut governor dan malloy issued a state of emergency in connecticut and signed an executive order prohibiting any
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traffic on the roadways because he felt conditions would deteriorate overnight to a point it would be dangerous to have too much traffic on the roads. you can see the plow there, that one vehicle probably not supposed to be out. those plows have been out all afternoon and evening at stanford. they started working earlier putting down salt, but there's still a slick layer out there. earlier about 5:00 i took a measurement of just about how deep the snow was. it was about 5 inches then. now let's go ahead and look to see how far it is. we're about 7 inches, 7 1/4 inches now, so certainly significant from a few hours ago. they're saying it could be up to 2 feet overnight. so really we're just getting started. with a blizzard it's not just snow you have to worry about. it's wind gusts, gusts up to 60 miles per hour, hurricane strength gusts potentially could knock down power lines, affect some of the electrical equipment in the area. so that's why elected officials and power officials are very worried about all types of
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different situations that could happen with this blizzard. >> let me ask you more especially with the power situation. your area or that community there also went through sandy several months ago. has everybody recovered from that? have you guys all cleaned up from that or are there still lasting ramifications and now here comes this blizzard? >> reporter: you're right. new york, new jersey and connecticut have just started to get some of that federal money in to help rebuild and repair from hurricane sandy. i was with a gentleman yesterday in long island in suffolk county. we were in his basement. he hadn't finished repairs from flooding that occurred with hurricane sandy. he also told me look, i've spent all the money i have trying to fix my basement. if this blizzard comes and knocks me out further, he said i don't know what i'm going to do. he is one of thousands of residents in similar situations. >> let me ask you about the residents you've talked to tonight. was there a big rush everybody heading to the stores to pack up on supplies and how long are people expected to stay off the
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streets and in their homes? >> reporter: well, the storm is expected to blow through here by tomorrow morning. there have been a lot of people who pack up on supplies. one gentleman said look, this is new england and the northeast. the difference is he said this is the first blizzard we've had in up to two years. maybe people had relaxed a bit, but he was ready. he was actually plowing his neighbor's yard, his yard and somebody else's down the street, but he said i'm going to have to go to work in the morning. he worked in the heating business. he's one of the few who probably will head to work tomorrow on a saturday morning. >> now the mom in me will come out. put a hat on. >> reporter: thank you, yes, ma'am. now a story you saw first on fox 5, we've learned two prince george's county police officers scheduled for trial next week in an off-duty kidnapping case have agreed to plead guilty to assault. both officers indicted last june in charles county where they were accused of abducting
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two teenagers holding them against their will apparently in an effort to teach them a lesson. fox 5's paul wagner reports. >> reporter: this is a letter sent to the parents of one of the teens held against his will. it arrived just before christmas and says christopher perry and michael rowe agreed to plead guilty to second degree assault and their son had the right to address the court at sentencing. this morning we spoke by phone with billy anderson, the father of the 16-year-old who said he was handcuffed, beaten and driven around in a marked prince george's county police cruiser. >> once i received the letter i was very surprised. the officer admitted what jl said took place. >> reporter: billy anderson said his son is still dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic experience. >> he's very scared. he is nervous. sometimes he can't sleep at night. sometimes he wakes up in cold sweats from nightmares and flashbacks. >> reporter: last june anderson and his son who we
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agreed to call jl showed us where the officers took the teen and ordered him to walk down a dirt road and place his chin on a fence before the officers drove away. >> they never said anything to you about why they were detaining you? >> no, sir. >> reporter: then when you got here and you were told to walk forward, what was going through your mind here? >> i don't know. was he going to hit me in the back of my head again or was he going -- i was thinking he's going to shoot me or taser me. there was so much stuff going through my head. >> jl said the off-duty officers came after he and two of his friends as they left a memorial day party at this house. the house owner accused them of stealing alcohol. jl denies it. jl says he was tackled and handcuffed with another friend before the friend slipped out of his cuffs and got away. when the indictment was announced, prince george's county police made this announcement. >> prince george's county police department is committed to ethical and professional policing both on duty and off duty and we have very high
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expectations of our officers' conduct while they're wearing the uniform and when they are not. >> on tuesday in court billy anderson says he wants an apology from the officers and see them punished for what they did to his son. we reached out to the attorneys for rowe and perry, but they did not return our calls. we reached out to the state's attorney in charles county. he also did not return a call seeking comment. rowe and perry were placed on administrative leave with pay, but their police powers have been revoked. in the fox 5 newsroom i'm paul wagner. to the district now where we know the identities of two people killed in a fire in southeast earlier this week. 51-year-old glenn williams and 56-year-old diane twogood died tuesday morning. fire crews responded to an apartment building on fire in r street and found both victims inside. the cause has not been determined. the alexandria fire department honors one of their own who died in the line of
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duty. paramedic joshua weissman died one year ago after suffering a head injury while responding to a car fire on i-295. today his family and former colleagues paid tribute with a ceremony and dedicated the fire department's professional development center in his honor. >> it would mean everything to josh. he devoted his life to fire and ems. he wanted nothing more than to be best and to work for the best, so dedicating this place specifically to work on making this the best ems and fire organization would mean everything to him. so it means everything to me. >> weissman was a seven year veteran of the alexandria fire department. up next the e-mail of two former presidents hacked, the info that was exposed. >> plus an update on robert griffin, iii's recovery and a look at his best one liners from this past season.   >> this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically. dinner's ready.
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into a former president's personal e-mail. the breach happened to a bush family member's account getting access to e-mail from both presidents bush. the hacker got ahold of some photos and some conversations between family members. the secret service is investigating. there are no reports of any sensitive information being breached. former illinois congressman jesse jackson jr. is making headlines yet again. he reportedly signed a plea deal in the remember if investigation of his alleged misuse -- in the former investigation of his alleged misuse of funds. jackson has been under investigation for using campaign funds to decorate his d.c. home among other things. former maryland state delegate christine jones was laid to rest today. the 83-year-old died last month after being hurt in a fire at her temple hills home.
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jones represented prince george's county and the house of delegates from 1982 to 1994. in her final year she was the assistant floor leader for the house democrats. coming up on the news edge d.c. councilman jim graham explains a questionable ethics report. >> there's no way that could be substantiated because there's no truth to it whatsoever. >> hear his explanation and harsh words for another council member. >> and the teenager that flipped off a judge in florida ready to apologize at 11:00. b. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. [ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the 2013 ram 1500 with best-in-class fuel economy. engineered to move heaven and earth. guts. glory. ram. the new ram 1500. motor trend's 2013 truck of the year.
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♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. a power outage that knocked out service to thousands of people in prince george's county and parts of the district blamed on a down tree, caused a transformer to overload in a major shopping center in seat pleasant leading to evacuations. fox 5's tom fitzgerald has the story. >> reporter: at the addison plaza shopping center in seat pleasant it was close to 12:30 when the power suddenly cut
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out. >> i smelled it. >> reporter: what did it smell like? >> something burning. >> reporter: pepco says friday afternoon a tree in a wooded area fell. that tree it turns out fell on pepco's transformer lines which in turn supply electricity to four substations. once those substations went offline power outages began to spread across the area. soon as many as 50,000 people at prince george's county and the district lost power. >> nobody had power, so we didn't really know what was happening. all we knew was everything was out. >> reporter: no power was only part of the problem. prince george's county fire and ems were called to the addison plaza, the reason? residents in the area and store owners began hearing strange sounds, smelled burnt electrical odors coming from the plaza's main transformer. >> the transformer was acting in an unusual manner. it may have had something to do with a generator in one of the
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store's back feeding into that transformer. we're not sure. >> reporter: pepco and fire officials say the problem resolved itself as soon as the power came back on. metro says the outage caused power outages at the addison road and capitol heights stations, but it only affected the stations' operations like escalators and lights and had no effect on rail service. metro crews were seen double checking facilities after the power returned. >> i don't know. i didn't know what was going on. >> reporter: prince george's county officials say as a precautionary measure 20 houses near the addison shopping center were evacuated while the transformer was malfunctioning. those residents have now returned to their homes. several restaurants had to close early. when the power finally began returning in the afternoon, several restaurants started to
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open up. the weather here certainly looks nothing like it did in all the live shots up north. >> i'm glad, too. we wouldn't be going home tonight. we'd have to shack up somewhere. >> want to talk about valentine's day now or wait? >> valentine's day is coming up, isn't it? it could be a little dicey around here for valentine's day. we can get some of the white stuff. it's going to be interesting. it's a little too early to pin that one down, mr. bolter, to be honest with you, but it's on the forecast seven-day. listen, it's going to be breezy this evening out there. you see a picture of the capitol tonight and it's pretty good around here. the winds are beginning to kick up and just a little while ago after 10:00 the national weather service decided they were going to expand the wind advisory that they put in place earlier. most of it was out west, but now they've decided that the winds will be strong enough all
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night long that they needed to expand this right through d.c. down to prince william county, charles county and out toward the bay for just about everybody. the thinking here is that winds will be 20 to 30 sustained, some gusts possibly as high as 50 miles per hour and that's going to go overnight tonight until early tomorrow morning. they'll probably be able to bring that down when they've scheduled to bring it down at 6:00 in the morning. it is going to be windy tomorrow, though. by tomorrow afternoon we're going to start to get a little relief from the wind. you notice where the gusts are right now. we're gusting at 40 miles per hour for gaithersburg. here in town we're gusting at 26. quantico 42. dulles 41 and again there is the potential that overnight tonight some spots could have some gusts up around 50 miles per hour. 39 now the temperature beginning to fall, 34 gaithersburg, 34 frederick. there's colder air to the north
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of us. as this storm system is really getting stronger right now up to the northeast, it's going to really start to bring in these colder temperatures. so colder air, drier air comes in overnight tonight with these real gusty winds. if you're out early tomorrow, it is going to be very cold. wind chill value will be in the single digits if not loving around zero. this is the big -- hovering around zero. this is the big blizzard. it continues to get stronger tonight. it is beginning to incorporate the secondary piece of energy we talked about. we've been talking about how this storm would phase which basically means two pieces of energy come together. once that happens this low pressure gets even stronger. snow rates will be increasing still overnight tonight. there could be some places with 2 to 3 inches of snow per hour. that is really where the snow will pile up and it looks like that will be basically from parts of connecticut over into rhode island and then up into
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most of eastern and central massachusetts. that's where the heaviest snow bull's eye appears it's going to be. now the storm is far enough away from us now that we're not going to get this snow on the backside of the system. we may have a few flurries come down. you see this little piece here central and western parts of pennsylvania. that's riding some real cold air. some of that may come through as light snow flurries or snowflakes overnight tonight, but we are in no way worried about any accumulation. the real blizzard area is up here and you can see i just put 18 plus there. could be some 2 feet totals. there could be more than that, but the problem is it will be blowing all over the place. so trying to figure out where the snow totals are is going to be difficult. area of low pressure moving up the coast, high pressure squeezing in. that's why we'll be so windy at least the first part of the day tomorrow. high will only be 40. it's going to feel much colder all day long, a little better
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for sunday, high 48. clouds and wind tonight, some gusts to 40. we're already getting gusts to for. let's say possibility of gusts up to 50 miles per hour, sustained winds 15 to 25 miles per hour. for the first part of the day tomorrow downright windy. it will get a little better as we progress through the afternoon. as brian bolter asked, what about valentine's day? well, we have a storm system coming, so we'll have to watch that one for next week. you see that on the fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast and we've got snowflakes and it's too early to tell, but newest guidance tonight still suggesting there may be another storm moving up the east coast by late wednesday night. >> got it. >> you'll keep an eye on it. >> i'm going to take a break for the weekend and come back and keep an eye on it next week. >> sounds good. >> just being honest. robert griffin, iii walked the red carpet to accept his a.p. offensive rookie of the year
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award last week barely listening, if at all. it is major progress considering he had knee surgery january 9th. griffith is aiming to be back in action the start of the season. lindsay murphy joins us now with more. >> robert wants to be back. everybody wants him back on the football field because in one short season he led the redskins to the nfc east title. off the field he's just as entertaining and charming as you're about to see in his funniest press conference moments from 2012. >> it's gut check time. we definitely checked our gut. i'm good for one every time. >> no. we never shared a burrito. okay, we ate burritos in the living room. he had his. i had mine. i knew soon as i got hit as i screamed, like a imagine, of course, but -- a man, of course, but i'm really hungry right now talking to you guys.
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there you go. i didn't say it, people. he did. eat fresh, but -- i'm kind of hungry. so i'm going to think about that for a second and move forward. once we land back in virginia -- what? i am hungry. i just played a game. if he needs me in the training room with him, i'll be there. i'll rub on his leg, whatever he needs me to do. coach, we just wanted to know. >> you got me by surprise there. >> what did you do for new year's? >> coach said you're like cool hand luke. you know who cool hand look is? >> he must be pretty cool. that was good, yeah. i don't know who that is. so my political correct answer is no comment a lot of times.
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>> can you tell us more about cool hand luke now? >> i have not watched cool hand luke yet. i know, i know, but we'll see. i heard it's a pretty bad a movie. politically correct. that's a great thing that i can actually go on the field and look london fletcher in the eyes and know that i'm about to complete a pass on him. >> before you met -- >> don't tell him i said that. i don't know if you guys saw the wave. i waved to you guys, but just letting you guys know i'm okay. you never go somewhere expecting people to chant your name or at least i never have. i don't know about you guys, but -- so i don't know if any of you guys have ever been to the doctor, but like i said,
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i'm good for one every time, but -- >> never a dull moment. >> you know what i like? it's natural. he didn't plan all that. it's just the way it comes out. >> it's so funny and a lot of times press conferences are so much about the nuts and bolts of a game. whenever he talks, it's just hysterical. nobody gets to see that but the media, so it's good we can share that with everybody. >> we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant stream music, stream anything and it just worked. [ male announcer ] when people make the switch to verizon fios internet, there comes a moment when they get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes,
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i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology
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that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs. each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort... individualized. at the ultimate sleep number event, queen mattresses start at just $599. and save 50% on our innovative limited edition bed. you have to be elite to make it as a professal athlete, but even pro hockey players can learn something on the ice like it's not always about how many goals you score. it's about what is in your heart. fox 5's beth parker has the story. >> reporter: hi, guys. what do you need? 8-year-old jake is ready. in fact, he can't wait. >> every day he will say no ice skating? i'm like not today.
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friday. >> faster, faster it is. let's go. >> reporter: they call this extreme recess, an event put together by a nonprofit called dreams for kids, children with special needs getting to skate at kettler iceplex with members of the washington capitals. >> they know they're rock stars on the ice today. >> reporter: for kids who can't stand on their own, forward jason chimera gave them a little ride. jack teen had his jersey signed by goalie braden holtby. >> it's where your joints don't normally develop and i can't bend my knees very far. >> reporter: jack has been in physical therapy since he was 2 weeks old. >> the day he was born they told us he might never walk and to see him skate and run around with his friends and throw a football. >> i just like how they take capitals players and let them meet normal people like us. >> reporter: this event comes at a time when the caps are struggling. in fact, they have the worst record in the nhl, but you


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